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Download: 159Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 1    Data: 03.04.2001

A job was offered to Tom.
Tom was offered a job.

La seconda costruzione, cioè quella in cui il complemento indiretto diventa soggetto della nuova proposizione, è di gran lunga la più frequente.
Lo stesso tipo di costruzione si usa con certi verbi che reggono un’infinitiva, come: ASK, TELL, SUPPOSE, ALLOW, ORDER, TEACH,ADVISE, FORBI

Download: 305Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 07.05.2000

• noi usiamo in italiano la forma impersonale (Es: “Si producono…” “Si fanno…”)
• il CO è più importante del soggetto
• Il complemento d’agente:
• si introduce con la preposizione by
• non viene espresso quando è indeterminato o chiaro dal contesto

Si forma volgendo alla forma passiva l’infinito del v

Download: 189Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 9 kb    Pag: 7    Data: 05.02.2001

(7.2) Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions
Britain was the first country where the Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions took place. The development of industries was due to two principal causes: 1. Increase of technology 2. Stimulation of trade. English trade grew during Elizabethan Age. In this period born many chartered companies,

Download: 215Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 19.12.2000

2. The conflict between two social classes along with two different mentalities and cultures:the aristocracy and the poor. The novel is built around the conflict between two houses where the actions takes place: Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange whereas Heatcliff is unspoilt by society and fusing with Nature but brutal and harsh, gloomy, firmly

Download: 83Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 11 kb    Pag: 9    Data: 17.01.2001

• The proliferation of newspapers, such as the Tartler and the Observer, made people more learned and interested, so they started asking for more books and readings to improve their education and cultural knowledge.
• People needed a new sort of entertainment, since theatres had been closed.
• The need of a new literary genre (apparently) more s

Download: 139Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 7 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 08.10.2001

So the old order broke and two new classes, capital and labour, came into being.
In a few years economic changes trasformed Britain into the world’s first industrial power.
About 7 per cent of the population is educated at private, or indipendent, schools.
The most famous are Eton, Harrow and Rugby.
They are characteri

Download: 58Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 7 kb    Pag: 6    Data: 24.07.2000

With the Maastricht Treaty (EU Treaty, Feb 1992) the EEC was develop into a political union, the European Union. The Treaty implied a large shift in power from national governments to the European Parliament. It fixed a standard tax rates across the EU, the setting up of a centralised banking system, the standardisation of labour laws and workers’ right

Download: 174Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 18.04.2001

CARRIAGE: one of the connected parts of a train
ENGINE: the first of connected part of a train that pull the other part
TRAIN: it's a transport means formed by a lot of carriage and an engine
STATION: it's a place where trains arrive and leave
PLATFORM: it's the part of a station where you can wait for a train
BUS STOP: it's

Download: 75Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 03.05.2001

As any other mass media, Internet has its negative sides. There are no laws to limit it so people can easily create their own web site in which they can put illegal stuff such as forged programmes, child abuser material and so on. Besides this, Internet makes people stay alone, away from all the others, thers’ no human contact while you’re chatting and

Download: 185Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 12 kb    Pag: 11    Data: 22.11.2000

Eugène Ionesco a été élu à l'Académie française en 1970. Sa pièce La Cantatrice chauve n'a cessé d'être à l'affiche d'un théâtre parisien (La Huchette) depuis 1957. À travers cette notoriété, c'est tout le théâtre de l'absurde qui se trouve reconnu.
Eugène Ionesco naît à Slatina en Roumanie le 26 novembre 1909. Il passe son enfance en France, à Par