La nariz = il naso
La sal = il sale
La sangre = il sangue
La señal = il segnale
El tigre = la tigre
La serpiente = il serpente
Vocaboli dal significato diverso a seconda del genere
El cólera = il colera La cólera = la collera
El cura = il prete La cura = la cura
El policía = il poliziotto La policía = la polizia
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Give in – surrender
Give out – distribute
Give up – stop doing somethting
Turn away – refuse entry
Turn down – refuse – reduce the volume
Turn in – give to the police
Turn off – switch off – disconnect – remove power
Turn on – switch on – cause to operate
Turn over – consider carefully
Turn up – arrive – increase the
Who is Mohammed Omar
Mohammed Omar is a man lacking in the skillful eye and with the black beard. He is the spiritual leader of the talebans in Afghanistan, second the description of the little people who have seen it. Mohammed Omar is in fact the more classified leader who knows itseelf. Eh Been born in 1959 from a poor family in a small village ca
. Dual Vision of Life:
Innocence: he see the condition of Man in the Garden of Eden before the Fall. The world of innocence is represented by the symbols of Lamb and Child.
Experience: he see the world of normal adult life.
They are “the two contrary states of Human Soul”.
. Dual Vision of God:
En se trouvant veuf, Charles se marie avec Emma et ils vont habiter dans sa vieille maison à Tostes. Il pens être dans un songe, mais elle n’est pas heureuse, parce qu’elle ne réussit pas à réaliser son idéal de passion, songé sur les livres; les mots “félicité”, “amour”, “ivresse” sur lesquels elle avait soupiré quand elle lisait les romans, maintenant
Regola pratica: si usa il presente progressivo ogni volta che in italiano il presente può essere sostituito dalla forma progressiva.
La forma progressiva non si usa con verbi che esprimono volontà, opinione o stato mentale, percezione involontaria. Con i verbi di percezione involontaria si usa Can
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Kenneth Branagh is the latest of a number of filmmakers who have been inspired in their own way to a 'desire of imitation' and he has chosen to concentrate on a broad scale of issues raised by Shelley. It is not only a tale of terror; there is of course an indication of the dangers inherent in scientific experiment as it transgresses the laws of nature.
Man, fused perfectly (as parts of one mighty mind) with nature, trough its beauty’s quiet contemplation, could rediscover the image of god and of his own inner life; in conclusion, man can learn virtue and wisdom only from the comforter friend of nature, so that the mission of the poet is to open men’s minds to the inner reality of nature and to the cal
We can notice some important romantic elements in the poem; first of all the function of the after-image in the poet’s mind which can be seen not only as a functional elements to the poetry composition but also as an other world where he can escape from the present.
Immersed in a hypnotic and gothic atmosphere (unnatural events, sense of mystery, and horror, symbols and ghosts) the extraordinary events narrated leave the poem open to many interpretations.
One man speaking with another man of rather personal and emotional things is a very Romantic idea, which remembers Wordsworth's definition of the poet (“he