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Download: 171Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 22.11.2001

The poem is written in the form of the ancient ballads even if not all the stanzas have four lines, the typical rhyme scheme is not respected and the moral at the end is more explicit than in most ballads.
It’s important to say that there are a mix of real and unreal elements:
Real elements:
- The real elements are for example the wedding f

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Er fing an sich Selbst zu denken und zu diskutieren an.
Er war sehr mit seiner Arbeit unzufrieden, er fand sie  sehr anstrengend und unangenehm. Er dachte,  dass an diese komische Situation die Arbeit schuld war, weil er wegen seiner Arbeit wenig Schlaf hatte.
Er hätte sehr gerne gekündigt aber er fühlte sich sehr pflichtbewusst wegen der Schuld

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The main bulk, Odyssey, consist of twelve episodes devoted to Bloom, the father, who is Odysseus.
The last three chapter, Nostos, are devoted to the return home. The final episode is entirely centred on Molly, Bloom’s wife, so she stands for Penelope, but also for Magna Mater, Gea Tellus, the female principle and the vital force that makes life wor

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The main character of the story is a student of chemistry who, with the rests of a human body, creates a human being, imitating the act of creation. Then, scared by his experiment, he leaves his monster who starts to wander in the torment of his completely separation from the rest of the humanity. The consecution of the events reveals a tragic figure, h

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9. e il piccolo uccello sta cantando una melodia
10. che trascorre una notte con un occhio aperto
11. (così la natura li tormenta e tiene occupato il loro cuore)
12. allora le persone desiderano andare in pellegrinaggio
13. e i palmieri desiderano cercare le spiagge più strane
14. dei lontani santi, venerati in varie terre

Download: 37Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 21.11.2001

In literature and in all kind of art Normans king were very intelligent. Especially in architecture. They were intelligent because they decided to fuse all people style together. So we can observe that in Normans monuments there are a lot of Arabian architectonic elements and sometimes Byzantine ones. .For example in the “duomo of Monreale” we see mul

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The founder of the new poetic theory was the Anglo-American poet T.S. Eliot.
He dedicated his poem The Waste Land, the greatest modern poem, to Ezra Pound, the leader of Imagism.
Modernism established that the new poet had to reject subjective feelings in favour of a central authority and objective, central standards. T.S. Eliot found this cent

Download: 256Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 6 kb    Pag: 4    Data: 21.11.2001

Mary had a son but her husband was foun drowned after a storm.
She return to England and she continued to publish untill her death in 1851.

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus

The origin of the model
Probably “Frankenstein” is born from a Mary’s anxieties abouth her role of mother, from the death that surrounded her life, b

Download: 187Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 20.11.2001

• Invocazione
• Dichiarazione del tema
• La dedica

Seguiti da una serie di episodi contenenti:

• Descrizione dei costumi sociali
• Preparazione degli eroi alla battaglia
• Descrizione delle armi
• Battaglia
• La discesa negli inferi

Mai in Pope tutti questi elementi “epici” sono abbassati a futili

Download: 161Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 1    Data: 20.11.2001

Un giorno, appunto in quella stagione, mentre sostavo alla locanda del tabarro in Southwark, pronto a mettermi devotamente in pellegrinaggio per Canterbury, ecco capitare verso sera la brigata di ben 29 persone, gente d’ogni ceto trovatasi per caso in compagnia e tutti pellegrini che intendevano recarsi a cavallo sino a Canterbury. Camere e stalle erano