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Download: 76Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 20.11.2001

Der Tempelherr bedankt Saladin für sein Leben, das er anbiet. Saladin sagt, daß er wie sein Bruder ist und fragt wenn er bei ihr bliebt, und daß Religion nicht wichtig ist. Der Tempelherr nihmt es an.
Der Sultan gratuliert dem Ritter für seine Tat, der seinen wachen Traume erzählt. Zuerst wollte der Junge das Mädchen noch einmal nicht zu sehen,

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Ya en la Biblia encontramos referencias al sacrificio de toros bravos en holocausto de la divina justicia, considerándose al toro como símbolo de fortaleza, fiereza y acometividad. Y de este modo encontramos igualmente referencias a los holocaustos religiosos que celebraban los íberos. En ellos sacrificaban a los toros bravos desafiándoles en espectácul

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In 1869, Forest disbanded the Klan because of threats of governmental punishment. Even though the organization itself was disbanded, several Klansmen refused to give up.  These men kept blacks from the election polls and protested black universities.
In 1915, William J. Simmons reorganized the Klan and by 1924 they became the strongest they had eve

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Main works

In his youth Donne wrote Elegies and Satires.
Then he wrote :
Poems poesiep (rime, poetries)
Songs and Sonnets SCanzoni e sonettiC (poesie amorose, amorous poetries)
Holy Sonnets Sonetti sacriS and Hymns InniI (poesie teologiche, theological poetries)
Sermons SermoniS: the most famous of

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Dalle sedie logore, che secondo il suo figlio maggiore, spargono le loro viscere sul pavimento, i suoi pensieri continuano a vagare sfiorando gli oggetti e le persone che la circondano. I mobili modesti, buoni per questa casa; i vantaggi del soggiorno estivo, economico, salutare per i bambini, per suo marito; a la casa regia abile con alcuni mobili

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So he left Brazil with other planters, but during the journey a terrible storm caught them and everybody died, except him. He was transported by the sea to an island: later he found that he was all alone, that’s why he kept two cats and a dog to talk with someone, even if they were not human beings. He swam to the ship and got as many things as he could

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The first invasion after Romans, is dated in 449 where Britons fought against Anglo-Saxon occupation, but they lost and had to retire in Wales, where Celtic is still spoken nowadays: from this event born lots of legends about Arthur the king, very important for literature.
These new invaders all shar

Download: 111Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 227 kb    Pag: 11    Data: 19.11.2001

Here’s the most famous cities and places to see…
Brighton is the largest town in Sussex and it’s on the south coast of England; it became popular when in 1754 Dr. Richard Russell published an article describing the benefits of seawater. The article was so influential that many rich families travelled to Brighton to cure their illnesses.

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Dans un article fondateur intitulé " Heuristic Problem Solving : The Next Advance in Operations Research ", publié en janvier 1958 dans la revue Operation Research, les scientifiques Alan Newell et Herbert Simon prédisaient que, dès 1970, les ordinateurs composeraient de la musique classique, écriraient A la recherche du temps perdu, découvriraient des

Download: 38Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 15.11.2001

The family of the injured girl wanted money from him for not telling that story to everyone and for not discredit him, so he accepted. The man took them to that building, went in by that door and soon came back with a cheque, which was signed with a well-known name. The stranger told them that his name was Hyde and Mr.Enfield didn’t trust him, but