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Download: 650Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 13 kb    Pag: 13    Data: 27.11.2001

The Sonnet
The renaissance is considered the golden age of poetry because of the flourishing of songs and sonnets during the period. The Sonnet came from Italy, were it had been experimented by Dante, Petrarch, whose Canzoniere had become the model of all European Renaissance poets, and thanks to Surry and Wyatt arrived also in England. This I

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All this is well expressed in Kubla Khan. Its genesis, if what is written in its preface is true, is in itself weird, as when he wrote it he was reading a passage about Kublai Khan under the effects of opium, prescribed to him as a medical treatment. But even if this weren’t true, this preface still remains important since it can be read as a manifesto

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Zum Werk
Die neunzehnjährige Else macht gemeinsam mit ihrem Cousin Paul Urlaub in San Martino. Doch gleich zu Beginn dieses schönen Urlaubs erreicht sie ein Eilbrief aus Wien. Als sie ihn öffnet muss sie entsetzt feststellen, dass es sich um einen Bittbrief von ihrer Mutter handelt: Da Elses Vater, ein bekannter Advokat, Mündelgelder veruntreut hat

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Die Dichter beschreiben die Natur, besonders in der Nacht.
Sie wandern oft einsam in der Mondnächte, ohne Ziel zu haben, weil sie einfach vor der Wirklichkeit zurückziehen wollen.
In dieser Sehnsucht nach ferne Ländern und Zeiten entdecken die Romantiker den Orient und das deutsche Mittelalter. Deswegen sammeln sie die deutsche Sagen und B

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As already pointed out, stanza 1 describes the effect of the wind on the land first in autumn and then in spring. In the former season the wind is presented as a destroyer of the previous season and its action is characterized by images of death. This function changes in spring when the wind is seen as a preserver, thus restoring the life that autumn h

Download: 167Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 9 kb    Pag: 6    Data: 26.11.2001

sindaco di Stratford,nel 1582 si trovò però in gravi difficoltà finanziarie(fu esonerato dal
pagamento della quota per il soccorso ai poveri e della tassa per il mantenimento dell’esercito):
eppure nel 1596 passò dalla condizione di yeoman(borghese possessore di terre)a quella di
Nel 1580 il giovane William,dopo aver ricevuto

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He was cynical but he didn’t want to build surrealistic thought: he didn’t live in dreams world and even if he was pessimistic, he preferred realism. In some way I think that Eliot is more original than lots of poets of the past, which talk about the traditional love: he talked about something new and in a different way. He wanted to express how he saw

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Mit der Phantasie, konnte man die romantische Ironie schaffen. Das entstand bei der Wirklichkeit und dem Ideal: der Dichter schafft eine phantastische Welt und sobald der Leser von der Wirklichkeit dieser Welt überzeugt ist, schafft er eine neue Situation und zerstört die alte.
Die Nacht ist sehr wichtig, weil man träumen kann und den Realität modi

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Comparativo di minoranza
Less + nome
Fewer + nome
Comparativo di uguaglianza
As + aggettivo + as
As + avverbio + as o as + much + as
As + much + nome song. + as
As + many + nome plur. + as
Comparativo di maggioranza

Download: 143Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 6 kb    Pag: 4    Data: 26.11.2001

Mais c’est surtout Paris qui attire Apollinaire. Il fréquente surtout les milieux littéraires
et avec le poète André Salmon il fonde la revue Le Festin d’Esope. Il se lie aussi avec Picasso, Braque et Derain.
Installé à Montmartre en 1907, il devient une figure centrale des mouvements d’avant-garde. Sa liaison avec le peintre Marie Laurencin do