In this poem there aren’t rhymes, there’s a big metaphor of Serepta’s life, which is compared to a flower and of the society, which is compared to the bitter wind.
Minerva Jones
In this poetry there aren’t rhymes. It’s composed by 12 verses, but the strophe is only one. there is an enjambement between the fourth ans fifth line.
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The nun’s priest’s tale
A long time ago, in the farm of an old widow, there was a cock called chanticleer. He was well-know in the neighbourhood. He had 7 wives and his favourite was pertelote. But one day, while he was sleeping , just before the sun chanticleer began to scream. He had a terrible nightmare. He dreamt that a horrible monste
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Secondo i puritani la chiesa doveva essere svincolata dal potere politico in quanto Crsto è il solo capo della chiesa; essi affermavano perciò la necessità che l'autorità suprema risiedesse in un gruppo di "anziani" eletti direttamente dai fedeli e la libertà da parte di ogni uomo di aderire o no ad una religione.
La loro spiritualità era basata sul
The features of a dramatic text
The structure:
A play consists of acts divided into scenes. In act 1 we have the introduction, in act 2 the development, in act 3 there is crisis (of a character), in act 4 there’s a complication, in act 5 the denouement, that is the resolving of all difficulties.
In the tragedies the introduction is spok
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The Stonehenge
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Kepler was a German astronomer who rected Copernicus theory. He demonstrated that the planets did not move in circles, as Copernicus believed but in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus. This was the fush of Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion. According of the second law Kepler: the velocity of the orbiting planets waried in relation to how