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Download: 3718Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 7 kb    Pag: 8    Data: 25.03.2008

Perт si usa con oggi, se la giornata non и finita, oppure questa settimana , se la settimana non и finita.

3. It is used for a recent temporary activity
E’ usato per un azione recente e temporanea
Es. Recently I’ve been tired . Recentemente sono stanca
4. It is used for a repeated / extended activity
E’ usato

Download: 732Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 7 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 19.03.2008

Le risposte brevi si formano con l’ausiliario would:
Would you tell her? Yes, I would.
Le prime persone singolare e plurale possono anche essere formate con l’ausiliario modale should, che però è poco usato perché potrebbe essere inteso come dovere.
Il Congiuntivo

Il congiuntivo inglese è di norma espresso con il tempo cor

Download: 671Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 18.03.2008

Factory owners and new businessmen mostly interested in profits and all too often they did not care about their workers. Despite progress and reform the living conditions of the poor remained miserable. There was a marked division of society into three classes; the aristocracy, the middle class(upper and lower)and the working class(the poor). The Victo

Download: 238Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 1    Data: 14.03.2008

6th century: pope Gregory I the great sent a monk, Augustine, to bring christianity back to England. He became the first archbishop of Canterbury
8-9th centuries-> the Vikings from Norway invaded britain (king Alfred). He was succedeed by Edward the confessor, who devoted homself to religion & built Westminster Abbey –1065-.

Download: 315Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 7 kb    Pag: 4    Data: 13.03.2008

Auden uses the modern war and the Roman war to say his ideas.
The Roman wall was built in the border between Scotland and England to defend from Romans.
BLUES is a sad music, a popular form of music.
From the first verse to the 6th he wrote about roman soldiers sent to protect the wall.
Verse 8: he is jealous of t

Download: 723Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 6 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 13.03.2008

* Bronte : Her women are full of passions and feelings, but are also fragile and insecure. They commit errors and sometimes prefer to follow their mind instead of their heart.
* Hardy : The main woman in Hardy’s “Tess of the D’Urbervilles” is Tess, a humble girl, persecuted by a cruel destiny. She’s a strong character, who accepts the conditions of

Download: 134Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 7 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 04.03.2008

British troops commanded by the first duke of Wellington, landed in Portugal and succeeded in defeating the French in several battles. Napoleon surrounded in 1814, he was defeated by Wellington in the battle of Waterloo. Brittani received Cape Town, Singapore, Ceylon and Malta, but had serious problems: inhuman working conditions in factories and severe

Download: 190Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 9 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 04.03.2008

Industrial and agricultural revolution
During the last decades of the 18th century Britani underwent (FU SOTTOPOSTA) enormous changes and turned from a mainly farming country into an industrial one, in 1694 the bank of England was founded. There was money for trade and trade brought wealth.
The first changes were introduces thanks to a seri

Download: 403Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 04.03.2008

His masterpiece was “Robinson Crusoe”; another was “Moll Flanders”: this is a story of a prostitute who at the end redeemed herself.
“Colonel Jack”: is a story about a pickpocket who repents and redeem him and lives a respectable life.
“Roxana” she is a high woman society who exploits her beauty to obtain what she want, the subtitle is

Download: 111Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 03.03.2008

When James I died, his son, Charles I, became the new king of England. He considered himself the supreme head of the Country: he dissolved the Parliament. After that, he needed the help of Parliament, for the wars against France and Spain, so he was compelled to sign the “Petition of Rights” to summon (convocare) the Parliament again, in which they aske