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Download: 94Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 1    Data: 15.01.2001

The British Isles
1. The British Isles are situated in the Atlantic Ocean .
2. The main islands are Britain and Ireland .
3. Britain is divided into three regions : England , Scotland and Wales .
4. Ireland is divided into two countries : Northern Ireland and EIRE .
5. The British climate is usually very changeable .
6. The...

Download: 90Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 09.10.2001

Il film comincia mostrando dei cavalieri normanni che, bisognosi di vitto e alloggio per la notte prima del torneo ad Ashby-de-la-Zouche, chiedono ospitalità alla corte di Cedrig. Oltre ai cavalieri normanni Cedrig ospita anche un ebreo, Isacco di York, e un pellegrino, che altro non è che Ivanhoe, che si era ben coperto il volto per non farsi riconosce

Download: 62Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 21.03.2001

Pride and Prejudice comes alive for the reader in the vividness of character and the brightness of dialogue; the narration of events is balanced by passages of reflection and by letters. Some characters are great stage personalities like lady Catherine and Mrs Bennet, other rather flat.

The novel involves bo

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Charles VII est un roi. Il est défiant, hésitant et ingrat.
Des autres personnages sont le capitaine du roi : Robert de Baudricourt, les Anglais, les clercs et les soldats. Ces personnages sont seulement nommés, ils ne sont pas décrisent physiquement ou psychologiquement.

Jeanne c’est une jeune fille qui vive dans une petite vil

Download: 155Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 06.02.2001

His best satires are:
- The battle of the book: he images a real battle among books and this is a satire about the merits of ancient and modern literature.
- A tale of a tub: this is a political allegory and he tells about the contending religious parties of the day.
- A modest proposal: Swift ironizes writing that poor people could redeem t

Download: 99Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 6 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 17.11.2000

J. & traditions:
Admired aestheticism...interest in form.
Litterature: means to promote awareness(consapevolezza), but art should be indepe. of other disciplines & moral aim

Role of Artist:
His task: neither to teach nor to convince, but to make people aware of reality, through their own subjective perception
Form he sough

Download: 146Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 09.05.2000

After an unhappy marriage with George Brown, whom she left after weddings, Mansfield spent some time in Bavaria, where she suffered from miscarriage. During her stay in German she wrote stories, which were published in 1911 under the title In a German Pension. On her return to London in 1910 Mansfield became ill with an untreated sexually transmitted di

Download: 24Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 20.12.2000

Are Lear and Gloucester rightly punished or are their punishments out of proportion? Why?
We think that their punishments are out of proportion because they understand their mistakes and in some way we can justify them.
What is Lear’s first great mistake?
His first mistake is to divide the kingdom before dying: in this way he lose every auth

Download: 79Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 1    Data: 31.01.2001

Je crois que c’est inconcevable que la nature ne soit pas abîmée par l’industrie et en effet ça c’est un des plus grands problèmes que l’homme ne réussit pas à résoudre.
Mais c’est aussi inconcevable que l’homme doit renoncer au développement car ce créerait un état de régression pour tout le monde entier et pour son industrialisation. Le problème e

Download: 84Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 25.07.2001

A)POSITIVES, crées per l'homme
B)NATURELLES, les lois que l'homme a dans son essence, des lois qui répondent à des elements ereditaires qui definissent son caractère.
Les lois que Montesquieu approfondit sont les lois positives, qui sont differentes par rapport au pays habités par les hommes. L'auteur explique la motivation pour laquelle les pay