Enghish Theatre



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During the Middle Ages there were two kind of drama:
• RELIGIOUS DRAMA: short plays acted outside in front of the churches after the mass. They had to be understood also by illiterate people so they could learn something about the moral (morality plays) and religious culture (miracles); for this reason this kind of drama was very simple to understand. Often it was acted by amateur. Sometime it was played in hall of mansions and of castle.
• COMIC DRAMA: this kind of drama was thought to enjoy the people. There were two different sort of comic drama: pantomimes (actor do not speak) and farces (silly and comic short plays). It was played in market squares or in inn yards. The actors who performed this drama moved from place to place; however, for this reason, they didn’t have the consideration of high social class because they could be rascals.
During the Renaissance, in particular in the IInd half of the VIth century, there was the rediscovery of texts of classic authors and the play writers who influenced more the English literature were Seneca and some Italian authors; in facts Italian, Latin and Greek were used frequently in the plays.
In this period there were a great change of drama and theatre’s achievements grew, but something of Middle Ages was kept; in facts the dramas of this period was a mixture of Medieval ones (in particular the elements of comic drama) and classic drama (tragedies divided in 5 acts).
The first theatre was build in the half of the VIth century outside London on the southern bank where there were other entertainments (e.g. place where animals fighted). It was made in wood so it have been destroyed; for this reason, the plays took place during the afternoon because it was very dangerous lighting torches.
Elizabethan theatres took origins from inn yards.
There were no separations between the stage and the pit and the spectators stood all around the stage
During Elizabethan times actors were regarded better, but they depended on rich people so they had to wear uniforms of the family.
The roles of women were played by young boys, in fact all the actors were men.
Play writers wrote plays and sold them to a company and only that company was allowed to perform the play; however if a play was successful, often it could be copied by other play writers.
Everybody could go the theatre and sometime the Queen went there in disguise, too, or she invited the companies at her court.

Durante il Medioevo c’erano due generi di opere teatrale:
• OPERA RELIGIOSA: brevi rappresentazioni che si tenevano all’esterno di fronte alle chiese dopo la messa. Queste dovevano esser capite anche dagli analfabeti così veniva trasmessa loro una morale e insegnamenti religiosi; per questo dovevano esser facilmente comprensibili. Spesso queste rappresentazioni erano tenute da attori amatoriali e, a volte, prendevano luogo nei saloni di grandi ville o di castelli.
• OPERA COMICA: questa rappresentazione era stata pensata per divertire il popolo. Di questa esistevano due diversi generi: pantomimes (mimo) e farces (opere di sciocca comicità). Quest’opera si teneva nei quartieri dei mercati e nei giardini delle locande. Gli attori si muovevano da zona a zona e per questo motivo non erano visti di buon occhio dalle alti classi sociali perché erano considerati dei mascalzoni.
Durante il Rinascimento, dalla seconda metà Cinquecento, c’è stata una riscoperta degli autori classici e gli scrittori che hanno maggiormente influenzato la letteratura inglese erano Seneca e alcuni autori italiani; infatti spesso le opere erano scritte in italiano, latino e greco.
C’è stato un grosso cambiamento rispetto al Medioevo, ma alcuni elementi si sono mantenuti ugualmente; infatti in quest’epoca le opere erano un misto tra opere medievali (elementi delle opere comiche) e classiche (tragedie suddivise in 5 atti).
Il primo teatro fu costruito nella prima metà del Seicento fuori Londra sulla sponda sud del Tamigi dove c’erano altri luoghi di divertimento. Fu fatto di legno così si è distrutto; per questa ragione, le rappresentazioni si tenevano nel pomeriggio perché era pericoloso usare le torce.
I teatri Elisabettiani prendono origine dai giardini delle locande.
Non c’erano separazioni tra il palco e gli spettatori che infatti sedevano attorno al palco.
Durante il epoca Elisabettiana gli attori erano considerati meglio, ma dipendevano dalla gente ricca così che dovevano vestire le uniformi della famiglia che li proteggeva.
Il ruolo delle donne era occupato da giovani ragazzi, infatti tutti gli attori erano uomini.
Gli autori scrivevano opere e le vendevano a una compagnia che era la sola autorizzata a rappresentarle; però se un’opera aveva successo, spesso veniva plagiata da altri autori.
Chiunque può andare al teatro e a volte anche la regina andava mascherata o invitava le compagnie a corte.
We don’t much about Shakespeare and around his life there is a sort of legend.
