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Download: 242Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 1    Data: 02.06.2000

From 1917 to 1922 he filled several important positions, including minister of munitions and secretary for war.
From 1924 to 1929 he was chancellor of the Exchequer. As such he returned Britain to the gold standard and condemned the trade unions during the general strike of 1926.
Churchill succeeded Neville Chamberlain as prime minister in 1940.

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Verbi di percezione
1) Azione attiva considerata completa:
sogg + verbo di percezione + ogg + infinito senza to

2) Azione attiva percepita in fase di svolgimento:
Sogg + verbo di percezione + ogg + forma in –ing

3) Azione passiva considerata completa:
sogg + verbo di percezione + ogg + participio passato


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Where to stay:
In motels outside the cities (city centre hotels are often either very expensive or very poor quality). You can go camping or hire a caravan or even a recreational vehicle.
There are camping sites in the national parks. American families often send their children to camps in the summer. You could finance your trip by finding a job

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The book, a novel of about thousand pages, tells only a single day story (16th June 1904), which is set in Dublin. There’re only three main characters involved in that story: Leopold Bloom, Stephen Dedalus and Molly Bloom, Leopold’s wife. The number of the characters is identical to the number of the main part

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Where to eat:
Supermarkets and many department stores sell excellent fresh food and sandwiches. Most pubs serve hot and cold food at lunch time (but you mustn’t go inside a pub if you are under 18). Self-service restaurants are good value.
You can go to an Indian restaurant for a spicy curry. There are lots of take-away eating places serving Chi

Download: 40Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 144 kb    Pag: 4    Data: 01.06.2000

Le 6 octobre 1789 la famille royale doit laisser Versailles et se réfugier à Paris. En 1806, mais surtout après le mariage avec Marie Louise d’Autriche en 1810, Napoléon veut restructurer et remeubler le château, après avoir restructuré le Grand et le Petit Trianon. De 1814 à 1824 Louis XVIII reprend ces projets et, surtout, fait restructurer tous les a

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La chiave all'allegria.
"Chiamami Ishmael. Alcuni anni fa - non ricordo quando precisamente - avendo poco o nessun danaro nel mio borsellino, e nessun particolare interesse a terra, pensai alla vela e al vedere la parte acquosa del mondo. È un modo che ho di cacciare il malumore, regolamentando la circolazione.

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Guardai i serpenti d'acqua:
Loro si muovevano in piste di splendente bianco,
E quando si alzavano, la luce di folletto
Cadeva in fiocchi canescenti.

Fra l'ombra della nave
Guardai il loro abito ricco:
Azzurri, verde lucente, e nero del velluto,
Loro si avvolgevano e nuotavano; e ogni pista
Era un ba

Download: 146Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 30.05.2000

2. Joyce' s conception of the artist.
Joyce thought that the artist ought to be invisible in his work, in the sense that he must not express his own viewpoint. He should instead try to express the thoughts and experience of other men. He advocated the total objectivity of the artist and his independence from all moral, religious or political pressu

Download: 1001Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 19 kb    Pag: 12    Data: 29.05.2000

Alexander Pope (1688-1744)-Born in London, Pope was the son of a Catholic linean-draper. As a Catholic, he could not enrol in the universities, was subjected to double taxation and excluded from public officies. Pope's sensitive nature strongly resented such discrimination, and his melancholy temper was also aggravated by his poor health; he suffered fr