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Joyce was an Irishman, he was born in Dublin in 1882, of a middle-class Irish Catholic family. In 1888 James was sent to a Catholic institution run by the Jesuit order : the Jesuit were responsable for all of Joyce 's education, even university. In 1904 Joyce took the two steps that were to determine the direction of his life and save him from a complete self - destruction in Dublin : he met Nora Barnacle, the woman who was to be his lifelong companion ; in the same year the couple left Ireland, still unmarried. They settled to Trieste, at the time still part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Here his pupils now included Ettore Schmitz (Italo Svevo), at the time an unknow author whose two early novels (Una vita and Senilità) had been ignored by the critics. In 1914 Joyce 's book of short stories, Dubliners , was published after many difficulties. Joyce was using the tehnique of stream of consciousness to great effect.In 1920 he settled in Paris. His masterpiece Ulysses appeared in 1922. It tells the story of one day in the lives of various Dublin citizens. Joyce left Paris in 1940 when the events of the Second World War forced him to escape. He settled in Switzerland, where he died in 1941.
2. Joyce' s conception of the artist.
Joyce thought that the artist ought to be invisible in his work, in the sense that he must not express his own viewpoint. He should instead try to express the thoughts and experience of other men. He advocated the total objectivity of the artist and his independence from all moral, religious or political pressures. The artist must be outside society in order to be objective.
3. The "Epiphany" in "Dubliners" .The style of the book is essential realistic with a scrupulous cataloguing of detail, the ability to create a sense of place - the Dublin which is the stories 'setting - and remarkable moments of sudden insight which are one of the characteristics of Joyce 's art. He called the moments of insight "epiphanies" . The original meaning of the term "Epiphany" is, of course, the showing of the Christ child to the Magi: But Joyce adopts this expression to signify a sudden revelation, the moment in a novel or story when a sudden spiritual awakening is experienced in which all the petty details, thoughts, gestures, objects, feeling, etc., come together to produce a new sudden awareness. In other words, there is an epiphany when details, or moments, buried for years in one's memory, suddenly surface in one's mind and, like old photos, start a long, often painful mental labour.
