Letteratura Inglese

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Download: 515Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Tesina    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 05.06.2006

Their writing was mainlt influenced by the theories of the austrian doctor Sigmund Freud, who explained that the development of our personality was greatly affected by the unconscious, the hidden part of ourselves.
By studiing the human mind, Frued gave great importance to the interpretation of dremas and to the free associations of thoughts. Ac

Download: 489Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 1    Data: 03.07.2006


Lispeth is a Indian girl, whose parents turned Christian and baptised her after the bears destroyed their harvest. When they died of Cholera, Lispeth stayed at Christian mission. She grew into a beautiful girl.
In her habits Lispeth differs in various ways from the white people. For example, she likes taking very long walks, u...

Download: 487Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Traduzione    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 10.03.2006

            Quando raggiunsi il mio castello, giacché da allora in poi credo di averlo sempre chiamato in questo modo, mi rifugiai all'interno come se fossi stato inseguito da qualcuno. Non riesco nemmeno a ricordare se vi entrai usando la scala, come intendevo fare, o se invece passai attraverso l'apertura che avevo scavato nella roccia, e che ho desig

Download: 485Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 6 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 02.02.2006

Man and the natural world
Wordsworth is interested in the relationship between man and the natural world, the contact between man and nature seen not as an objective and precise observation of natural phenomena but as emotions and sensations which arise from this contact. In fact he thinks that man and nature are inseparable: man exists not outside

Download: 470Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Scheda libro    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 23.03.2010

The chief themes of the book are the craving of power that makes the man do cruel things, the inclination of the man for overworking the weaker and the less intelligent and the degeneration of the revolution that becomes dictatorship.

* Old Major: he was a twelve-year-old pig, quite stout with a wise and benevolen

Download: 466Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 03.06.2005

But this happy period was short.
In fact Virginia ‘s mother died and her father sold it.
When Virginia was thirteen , she suffered from depression for her mother.
In these years she read for long hours in her father’s library and began writing articles and essays.
In 1904her father died and she attemped the suicide by taking drugs.

Download: 466Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Traduzione    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 02.02.2006

Vago lungo ogni strada privilegiata
Vicino a dove scorre il privilegiato Tamigi,
E vedo in ogni faccia che incontro
Segni di debolezza, segni di dolore.
In ogni grido di ogni uomo,
In ogni grido infantile di paura,
In ogni voce , in ogni proibizione,
Sento le catene forgiate dalla mente.
Come il grido dello spazzacamino~

Download: 434Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 28 kb    Pag: 29    Data: 03.07.2006

In England, Blair entered the public school system, and was admitted to Eton College in 1917. For most students of this era, Eton led directly to higher education at a university, often Oxford or Cambridge. Blair shunned further formal schooling, and after leaving Eton in 1921, returned to India in 1922 to join the Indian Imperial Police. This work gave

Download: 427Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 06.09.2005

-The old King(he is a great sinner)
-The young King(he is poor, then becomes a King)
-The slaves(-of his dreams-they must work to live)
-The Chamberlain(he tries in vain to make the King wear the king’s raiment)
-The old Bishop(he’s wise and gives good advices to the King)

The Birthday of the Infanta_
On th

Download: 426Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Tesina    Dim: 317 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 28.05.2007

The structure of novels
Defoe’s long narratives are fictional autobiographies always pretending to be “true” stories through the biographical details and memories provided by the protagonist. The structure of the novels is characterised by a series of episodes and adventures held together by the unifying presence of a single hero. Defoe’s method of