Force of Nature - Alternative Energies



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Theme: the force of nature and the importance of alternative energies
Up until recently the green movement was clearly identified with left-wing politics, but now many conservatives politicians and business managers are openly in favour of green politics too.
Most of people are convinced that our natural environment is in danger and that we are not doing enough to protect it.
But the dream is coming true… an ecostore with cash registers powered by rooftop wind turbines, skylights instead of light bulbs and photovoltaic solar cells on the roof to help power the bakery’s oven.
Even the toilet water is collected from raindrops outside.
Some companies like Tesco are pumping money into environmental technology to reduce the amount of energy. They are also paying customers not use plastic bags
But cynics say that profit is the man driver…
Excessive and bad use of energy and greenhouse emissions have provocated natural disasters such as:
• New Orleans’s Hurricane Katrina,
• floods in Europe,
• swirling deserts in Beijing
• in July died 40 people because of hot climate
Some people thinks that politicians only want to get more votes.
California’s Republican Governor A. Schwarzenegger met T. Blaire to promote the idea of a trans-Atlantic- carbon-emissions market and to reduce gas emissions.
David Cameron, new leader Conservative Party, has visited the Arctic to see first hand the effects of global warming and he’s including a wind turbine and solar panels in his house.
J. Chirac promoted a new solidarity leuy to be paid by all air travellers

Multinationals such Bayer are investing tens of billions of dollars in alternative energies…
For example to develop hydrogen power plants that will capture carbon and bury it underground.
Renewable energy sources include bio fuels like ethanol and wind.
Venture capitalists are investing in green business because they believe it’s a growth opportunity. But someone says that in the past companies regarded dealing with environmental issues as a cost, now as a business opportunity.
Ethanol is said to be a great investment because it’s cheaper than gasoline.
Every major country regulates energy transmission and use elevating some technologies and penalising others.
Now companies and environmentalists seem to be working in tandem.
We must protect our grandchildren’s future even if it could be expensive.
Making money is great and if you can save the world at the same time, so much the better.
