TOPIC: The picture of Dorian Gray
THEMES: 1) cult of the beauty
2) hidden identity and corruption of soul
• “I’m jealous of the portrait you have painted of me, Basil, every mome
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By Cherles Dickens
AUTHOR: Charles Dickens
TITLE: Oliver Twist
TOPIC: Oliver Twist
-the starvation suffered by children
-the ill-treatment suffered by children
-the behavior of the rich men with the orphans~~...
But this happy period was short.
In fact Virginia ‘s mother died and her father sold it.
When Virginia was thirteen , she suffered from depression for her mother.
In these years she read for long hours in her father’s library and began writing articles and essays.
In 1904her father died and she attemped the suicide by taking drugs.
Even science couldn’t help the population any more: it has provided certainties so far, but now, with the new and destabilizing theories by Sigmund Freud, the thought there could be something men can’t govern and dominate, as dreams, totally scared scientists and public panel. His theories deeply affected any kind of relationships, from the parents-chil
Allevato nella religione protestante, Wilde studiò alla Portora Royal School di Enniskillen ed al Trinity College di Dublino, dove si distinse come latinista e grecista e vinse una borsa di studio per il Magdalene College di Oxford. Qui fu sensibile a varie influenze: il cattolicesimo di Newman, che lo interessò come critica alla religione della maggio
Henry Fielding
He began his career as a playwright where he immediately his taste for cutting satire on English society. He attacked the system of justice in England. The “licensing act” put an end to his theatrical career. He turned to novel writing and became on of the greatest writers of the century. He detested the sentimentally and hypocr