Letteratura Inglese

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Download: 400Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 6    Data: 14.12.2009

Robert Browning’s great works are ‘The Ring and the Book’ and ‘Dramatic Romances and Lyrics’. The extract we can read is ‘A heart… too soon made glad’, which belongs to the ‘My Last Duchess’. The setting is the castle of the Duke of Ferrara, Alfonso II D’Este and he spoke about his forst wife, who he killed after 3 years of marriage (1561). His wife’s

Download: 3732Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 4    Data: 30.03.2009

It is a very realistic and detailed passage. There are a lot of epithet thanes, kennings, adjectives like strong, gallant and fearless. The Anglo-Saxon soldiers were brave, generous, courageous and loyal. The betrayal was a serious fault.
vv. 9 I suoi coraggiosi seguaci trovarono poco da ridire sulla sua audace avventura, anche se g

Download: 59Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 7 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 13.03.2009

Only persisted a rudimentary idea of it through the performances of a minstrel, a figure that tells stories of heroic deeds of warriors, travelling through lands.
In the Middle Age, theatre performances hadn’t only the role to entertain people but also to teach Christ’s stories during Easter, Christmas and the other important festivities.
The st

Download: 1492Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 26.02.2009

Main Work: his works can be divided into 3 groups, but the earliest ones are the best known:
-Poetical Sketches, in which he refuses Augustan taste and is influenced by Shakespeare and Milton;
-Songs of Innocence, in which the childhood is the symbol of innocence;
-Songs of Experience, in which there is a pessimistic view of life;
-The M

Download: 225Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 18.06.2008

Alone and palely loitering? And honey wild, and manna dew;
The sedge has withered from the Lake And sure in language strange she said
And no birds sing! I love thee true –

O what can ail the Knight at arms, She took me to her el

Download: 257Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 13.03.2008

Paradise Lost
Is a religious epic poem. The epic is a very ancient form of poetry, originating in an age before writing, like Odyssey, Iliad and Bewulf. Paradise lost takes place in the universe: in Heaven, Hell and Eden, the caracthers are God, Satan, Christ, Man and the angels. Although Milton was familiar with the Copernican cosmology he bas

Download: 101Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 9 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 28.11.2007

When these Germanica ribes arrived in England, they destroyed many Roman cities (exept London who became the mosto impostant commercial centre) and cancelled the Roman civilization and language. The Celtic civilization survived only in Wales, Scotland, Cornwall and Ireland. Although (sebbene) the Anglo-Saxons brought thei pagan religion, Christianity co

Download: 86Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 19.06.2007

Ten years after the end of the war, all the olde values had benn swept away: there was nothing to believe in and nothing to fight for. To give a voice to this common dissatisfaction, it developed a general protest agains society. The declin of the British Empire and the Cold War generated a sense of uncertainty and angouscius. The

Download: 228Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 7 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 19.06.2007

When his mother moved to London, Bernard joined her years later; there he attended public lectures and joined debating societies.
In 1882 he met Henry George, an American socialist writer who initiated him into socialist theories. He read a volume of Karl Marx’s in French and joined the Fabian Society. He rejected the idea of any revolutionary and

Download: 1092Cat: Letteratura Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 7 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 14.05.2007

Run-On line (Enjambement): When a line ends in the middle of a phrase and (the meaning break) comes in the next line.
Assonance: The repetition of the same vowel sound can colour part of the poem with that vowel quality.
Alliteration: The repetition of the same initial consonant sound in consecutive words or words which are close together.