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Download: 1311Cat: Inglese    Materie: Altro    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 25.05.2005

! Le forme del verbo to be sono generalmente contratte.
I si scrive sempre con la lettera maiuscola.
It è il pronome del genere neutro. Si riferisce a oggetti, animali, nomi astratti.
N.B. In inglese non si dà del “tu”, del “lei” o del “voi”. Si usa soltanto YOU.
Present tense interrogative
Per formulare una domanda con il ver

Download: 421Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 26 kb    Pag: 13    Data: 25.05.2005

Rather than = piuttosto che
Business – Finance - Marketing
To Borrow = prendere in prestito
Loan = mutuo, prestito
To make a profit = fare profitti
To make a loss = fare perdite
Sales rise, increase = le vendite salgono
Sales down, decrease = le vendite scendono
Strong economy = economia forte
Political stability = st

Download: 501Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 25.05.2005

The conception of the reality changes with the Theory of relativity of Einstein (1906), the concepts of time and space are conceived as subjective dimensions, everything is relative and nothing is certain; and La Durèe of Bergson that elaborates a theory on the time that influences Woolf and Joyce, he considers the time as a continuous flow of informati

Download: 741Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 4    Data: 24.05.2005

He died in 1870 and was burier in Westminster Abbey.
Dickens can be considered the proper Victorian writer; he believes in Victorian values (work, retribution, good and evil…) and for this reason he embodies the Victorian writer. He faces the major problems of his age and believes in progress that could solve these problems. His style is also very r

Download: 762Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 1    Data: 24.05.2005

As a result of the unsatisfaction for the present situation, men and especially poets turned their attention to feelings and emotion. So the nature was no more an organism which man can rule through rationality, but became something real and living, existing as a man exists. The poets’ attention was given to sensibility, to the natural and real world.

Download: 273Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 24.05.2005

There was an urgency to represent the variety of modem urban life. One way of trying to create order out of the chaos of the modern world was the recourse to primitive myths. However, this kind of interpretation did not have the character of absolute truth. It also took place not through a rational process, but through single and intense moments of illu

Download: 1061Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 6 kb    Pag: 4    Data: 24.05.2005

At this stage of his life Joyce was a devout Catholic. But after a period of spiritual doubt and unrest he began to lose his faith in the Church, rejected Catholicism and transferred his vocation to the sphere of artistic achievement. He continued his studies at University College, here he specialized in modern languages and began to reveal his extraord

Download: 152Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 24.05.2005

In 1944 he met Allen Ginsberg who remained one of his true friends in the corse of his life.
He soon began to live in an apartment with a small group of young people. The group separated in 1945 and Keoruac joined his parents.
In this period he began to write The Town and the City, a novel reflecting his own life experiences.
He met Neal Cas

Download: 287Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 24.05.2005

When he returned to Europe, he spent a period of 18 months in Paris, where he lived in almost absolute poverty.
When he left Paris for England, he continued to live in the same style for a few years and in 1933 wrote Down and Out in Paris and London, a fascinating account of the period he had spent as an outcast in Paris and in London. The book was

Download: 38Cat: Inglese    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 24.05.2005

The sphere reflects everything in the room on its surface. The “Hand with reflecting sphere” could be considered a self-portrait indeed the man who is reflected could be Escher when drew the picture.
It is very realistic. The hand that is holding the sphere has the creases and the cracks that a real hand would have. The room that is shown inside t