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Download: 121Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 22.05.2000

This division led to social injustices, and the conditions of the working class was very bad, despite to some reforms passed by the government.
But all the classes were united by a common sense of patriotism and national consciousness, which played a big role in the First World War.
The response of England in the First World War was at first pro

Download: 95Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 13 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 30.06.2000

These “types” are positioned in a sort of closed circle corresponding to the orbit of the Moon.
Yeats seens history as formed by a series of opposite cycles, each cycle lasting about 2000 years. Each age is the opposite of the previous one: an age of rule and authority will be followed by an age of anarchy and violence. Each cycle has a circu

Download: 109Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 10 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 13.06.2000

1867: Thérèse Raquin
1868: Madeleine Férat
Il s'initie à la psycologie et à la chemie et il s'intéresse aux recherches scientifiques de son epoque:
- théories sur l'hérédité du docteur Lucas
- médicine expérimentale de C.Bernard les comportements humains sont déterminés par
- idées de Darwin sur la sélection naturelle l'hérédité et