XX secolo Inglese

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Social Background
By the outbreak of First World War Britain was definitely an advanced industrial country, thanks to the industrial increase, the developing of transport network, economic growth, an increase of population, which had favoured the development not only of town and city but also of rural areas.
But there were a lot of differences between the upper class and the lower class, also we can see in the social hierarchy of the time which saw the aristocracy to the top, then the middle class, divided in upper middle class (made up of professionals and managers) and the lower middle class (clerks, shopkeepers); at the bottom there was the working class, also divided in to groups: the skilled and unskilled workers.
This division led to social injustices, and the conditions of the working class was very bad, despite to some reforms passed by the government.
But all the classes were united by a common sense of patriotism and national consciousness, which played a big role in the First World War.
The response of England in the First World War was at first prompt and enthusiastic, as we can see for the may volunteers that enrolled, some for wish of glory, other for adventure, but all of a genuine sense of patriotism. But after few months this optimism was replaced by disillusion and discomfort. The great number of casualties obliged the Britain to the obligatory enlistment, despite the general opposition. The Great War, as it was called, ended in 1918, and had a deep effect in all the Europe; the principal consequences are:
• The impact of the war on the living standards: the war productions asked a fulltime labour in industries, so the unemployment had disappeared; but these advantages where counterbalanced by the prices rise and the increase of inflation.
• Another consequence was the role of the war in the emancipation of women: in fact while the men were at the front, the women took the principal position that first had the men, getting competent as the men in every field. So the war accelerated the women’s emancipation. In 1918 the over 30 obtained suffrage, which “suffragettes” had been asked for many years; in the 1928 the voting age was lowered to 21. The women, that made an intelligent and courageous work during the war, now wanted to choose the people who would rule the country.
• Another importance consequences of the war was his rule of democratizations in the society.
The Second World War gave Britain the same problems of the first. Conscription was enforced, and this time also for the women that served for particular branches of the armed forces. The government controlled almost everything, and all political power was concentrated in the hands of the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. The mass media played an important role in this war: in fact they transformed in instruments of propaganda, and the same Churchill used the radio to inform people about the war.
