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Download: 587Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 32 kb    Pag: 10    Data: 07.01.2002

Tintern Abbey, located in the valley of the river Wye, in Wales, was founded by Cistercian monks in 1131 and destroyed at the beginning of 1500. Wordsworth visited its ruins when he was 23, and returned there 5 years later.
Summary and commentary in relation to the key idea. Written in blank verse, the poem is Wordsworth’s first major expl

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CHOICE OF PSEUDONYM: “George” was very English and suggested common sense; “Orwell” was the name of his fauvorite river.
REPUTATIONS: internationally known thanks to Animal Farm.
DEATH: of tubercolos in 1950.
He was a prolific book-rewiewer, critic, political journalist and pamphleteer in the tradition of the author Swi

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During Victoria’s reign two of Britain’s modern parties were born: the Conservatives grew out of the old Tories, and the Liberals out of the Whigs. In 1900 was founded also the Labour Party. Liberals and Conservatives have different political view but they alternated in power: Peel and Disraeli were Conservatives; Palmerston and Gladstone were Liberals.

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Northanger Abbey (1798), a parody of the Gothic novel; Emma (published in 1816); Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Pride and Prejudice (1813), two novels of manners: the same genre continue till now with sit-coms.

Narrative technique
All of Jane Austen’s novels centre on experience of a young woman, the heroine, who through a

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The musical talent of Fryederyk was compared with the childhood genius of Mozart.Infact at the age of 7,he was the author of two “Polonaises”, his first professional piano teacher Wojcieck zywby wasn’t able to improve his pupil is ability playing because Fryederyk skills were far better than his own.
Wilehelm Wurfel, professor at the Warsaw conserv

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NATURE→one of the main sources of inspiration of poets, in fact a new sensibility towards Nature can be found.
Romantic poets turned to Nature also because they din’t feel at ease in the society of their time. They lived in
isolation enjoying the loneliness of the countryside far from urban life, focusing on the emotional response

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- Poetry should use a familiar, simple language (the language of men in the middle and lower classes) because humble country people live in communion with their objects from which language originates and voice their feelings in a more immediate forceful way.
- The poet has to reach the essence of things and communicate them in a simple language; he

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Love and passion
The love between Heathcliff and Catherine is the principal theme in the novel and the whole story revolves around the passion that Catherine and Heathcliff feel for each other.
Their love is true but tormented and never realised during their lives. They will be reunited only after the death, as written at the summary

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Zur erweiterung ihrer Macht bekämpfen sich die Landesfürsten, die Städte und der Keiser gegenseitig. Das Mittelalter hatte zur bereicherung der Stätde geführt.
Diese kämofe verwüsteten viele deutsche und italienische Gebiete, das lies die Bauern an Armut leiden. Das brachte zu kollektiven Bußprakticken. In der zweiten Hälfte des 14. Jahrhunderts bra

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The plays became soon not only religious, so we can find three types of plays in this period. The 1st type is the mystery play, that is a play full of mystery and supernatural events; the 2nd type of play is the miracle play, so called because they dealt with the life and the acts of Saints, and finally the 3rd type is the morality play, a play where ac