V. Woolf



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V.WOOLF: (1882-1941)
Development of the novel, rejected conventions of the realistc fiction of Vict.Age
new way of expressing a different perception of reality.
Influenced by her childhood & her family backgroung. Highly intellectual atmosphere at home.
Influenced by Aestheticism.
Her mother died when she was young...affected her profoundly. (series of nervous brackdowns)
In the Bloomsbury Group: importance of Subjectivity, Aesthetic enjoyment, Personal ties(legami) of affection,
intellectual honesty.
Hostile to the dominant social values of the period.
13- 1° novel: The voyage out.
25-Mrs Daloway l° successful modernist novel: events ina single day, develops around her feelings, reactions &
recollections of people she chances to meet.
Enphasis on subjective internal lives of the characters, not on the external events.
To the Lighthouse
Narrative technique:
Experimentatios with narration, characterisation, style.
For her events were not important in themself. Important is the impression they made on the characters.
Not used the traditional omniscent narrator: Ninnovationi point of view inside the characters’ mind
-Not more the chronological ordering of events, but shifting backwards & forwards in time according to the sensations
& recollections aroused in the characters by events.
2 levels of narration: -external events arranged in chronological order, -flux of thoughts
Convey through words the nature of human consciousness
Few subordinate sentences. Highly evocative & figurative language which follows the random association of ideas as they come up.
Objects & events often take on a symbolic meaning.
To the Lighthouse: (autobiogrphical)
Lighthouse: symbol
Summer house in which the Ramsay stay, but they decide to go on a sailing expedition to the Lighthouse in a nearby
island. Novel divided into 3 parts. Partial return to the summer house after 10 years.
Alternation light/darkness ....contracdictory aspects of life.
Sea: -1) positive situation -2) sorrowwhich has struck the family -3) ghatered all the aspects,..
partial fulfilment of the initial project.
Deep interest in the way events & people are perceived in a different way according to the point of view.
