storia e poesia dal 1700 in inglese



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STORY george 3 is unpopolar by trying to restore the old authority of the crown. He dismissed the prime minister , surrounded himself with a number of incompetent. In this period signed the navigation of acts ( American trade should be carried in british ships) in 1773 group of colonist threw a shipload of tea into boston harbour. Started the war of independence (75-83) , in 4 july 177 signed declaration of independence, and in 1783 with treaty of versailes Britain recognised the independe4nce of colonies. IND REV the stimolatiopn of trade provided the capital necessary for invention of new machinery, there was a great increase in population , which meant a demand for more pots, more beerand more clothes. The times really required more efficient and quicker production. The first changes were introduced thanks to a series of technological inventions: spinning jenny , water frame cotton gin . born the bank that was founded by a group of rich men , start union betw. E and SC with internal marchet in Europe

AGR REVOL much of the country was cultivated under the medieval system of the openfield. This system made the new ethods impossible.And started enclosure movement the landowners decided to enclosed their land to farm with use of machinery: it’s positive aspects because more profict.

SOC REV there was progress in medicine that imply a population growsand reduced children’s exploitarion of the land’s mineral resources. That increased workers.The gap betw. Rich and poor increased . rich lived in good condition with public services and sanitation. The poor people live in bad condition , lived in slumbs and working in bad condition ( 10-14 ours) , the poor women and children were highly prized by employers because they could be paid less and were easier to control.
PRE ROMANTICISM.devolution of reason that salve all the problems, returned feelings passion instincts , new interest in humble , in poor people ( manzoni) ,interest in melancony , often associated with meditation on suffering of the poor.

POETRY 3 different of poetry :ossianic poetry es macperson that used a mood melanchonic, the aim is meditation about the passing of the time. Graveyard school of poetry e stomas gray , the aim is solitude of man. Gothi novel ex Walpole in the castle of otranto. , used a style of middle ages, is irregular as opposed to classicism , . had a features of gothic novels: used the castle with hidde passages, secret room , used terrifying male characters who were the victims of their negative impulses, the aim was how passions controlled by reason.

BLAKE was born in London in 1757 , he studed in academy of art and become a poet a painter and engraver. He lived in poverty all life , in life he wasn’t successful only after his death an English poet (yeats) recognised his genius. Is works the marriage of heaven and hell songs of innocence and experience , songs of innocence deaing with childhood as the symbol of innocence , connected with happiness, freedom, imagination rappresent condition of man in the garden of eden not corrupted by society . This poem written in a musical language . songs of experience, more pessimistic views of life , connected with experience , adulthood , hell, devil , rappresent the condition of man often been chosed from eden. Blake was influences of Voltaire and diderot , he belived in the eality of a spiritual world but regarded Christianity and the church.
MARY SHELLEY was born in 1797 , her work influenced by the ideas of the French revolution, he wrote frankenstain she was influenced by roussou and colerige , . it belong to gothic traduction , there one a lot of horrific element. However ids different because it doesn’t deal with supernatural elements on medieval castle. This novel is told by different narrators. At first Walton inform the sister, that is Margaret, then frankestains inform Walton, and finally the monster informs frankestain. Walton is a double of frankestain infact F created monster and break the natural lows so as Walton that tried to go beyind human limits and he is punished , infact was imprisoned in the ice. And F is double of monster., there was a social injustice a crudel treatment of monster by common people .monstter is described in a positive way . when he meets people who refuse him he become bad.
STORY NAPOLEON after the French rev. there was napoleon’s ascent , and the reaction of Britain were 2 . one supported the revolution and other not. British policy aimed at damnaging French trade by preventing French ships from moving freely in andout of French seaport . after napoleon had defeated the European countries one by one Britain decided to fight france at sea . in 1799 signed the combination of act reaffirmed that associations or trade unions of workers against their eplovers were illegal. Was signed act of union and the irish parliament was absorbed into English one. This period which covered the end of Napoleonic wars was called the regency.AFTER IND. REV parliament refused to reduce economic pressure on the labouring poor and followed the economic principles of smith , that supported the ending of all government regulation of internal and esternal trade . reduce the situation of poor infact lived in workhouses that were crowded and dirty , the sexes were segregated and the families were divided. The position of women changing. Infact were out some activities. .

WORDSWORTH born in 1770 is romantic poet have to deal with everyday situation ,ordinary people , rural people, a big importance he had given to nature , sensorial experience had given to nature.infact his poems start with a sensorial experience , this exper. Recolletted in tranquillity. The poet for himself was becomes a teacher who shows men how to understand their feelings and improve their moral being, he almost always used blank verse that is unrhymed iambic pentameter.
BYRON descensed from 2 aristocratic families that were rather undisciplined and violent. He involled in the patriotic plots against Austrian role . he know yon shelley and after his death he grew bored with his life and decided to commit himself to the greek struggle of independence from turkey.”Byronic hero” is mysterious , reyected the conventional moral rules of society, is noble of birth but wild in his menners , has a great sensibility to nature and beauty., the women can not resist him but he refuse their love , the hero love only him.

SHELLEY he was he the son of a conservative member of parliament but just because of this he grew up a rebel, he attended oxford where he was expelled for his rebel spirit. He was rebel against religions laws and customs and become a republican. , he was considered hostile to radical ideas and political moderarion. Nature shelley describes a beautiful veil that hides th eternal truth of the divine spirit. Nature rappresent the favourite refuge from the disappointment and injustice of ordinary world .
