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Download: 249Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 12.02.2001

- the poem is full of unearthly creatures (spirits, ghosts, souls, sea-snakes, angels) ;
- the ghost-ship is driven by mysterious forces.
We can also underline the presence of supernatural events and characters, but also the presence of gothic ones;
Supernatural : the albatross, the ghost-ship, Life-in-Death, Death, water-snakes

Download: 171Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 22.11.2001

The poem is written in the form of the ancient ballads even if not all the stanzas have four lines, the typical rhyme scheme is not respected and the moral at the end is more explicit than in most ballads.
It’s important to say that there are a mix of real and unreal elements:
Real elements:
- The real elements are for example the wedding f

Download: 151Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 01.02.2001

Although I’ve been away so long, I can still remember this landscape: And often, in lonely rooms, in the middle of the chaos of the cities, I felt gratitude to this Nature, especially in a state of weakness, ‘cause it passed in my pure mind and gave me a great sense of calm, a pleasure I’ve never thought think I could feel anymore. Feelings that ma

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This pleasure is as keen as the rays of the moon compared to arrows, fading away in the light of dawn, so that we can hardly see the moon, but we know it’s there.
Earth and air are overflowed with your voice as, when the sky’s clear, the moon makes the heaven bright with its light.
We don’t know who you are; what can you be compared with? Your m

Download: 147Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 9 kb    Pag: 7    Data: 10.10.2001

The trip to Fiesole
One day Mr Beebe fixed a trip to Fiesole, a town near Florence. While the group (Mr Beebe, Lucy, old Mr Emerson, George, Miss Bartlett, Mr Eager and Miss Lavish) go to Fiesole, the driver kissed his girlfriend. Mr Eager didn’t want him to, and he asked him to stop. The driver said she was her sister, but Mr Eager didn’t believe h

Download: 110Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 08.10.2001

La servante et la soeur de lait de Jeanne s'appelle Rossali. Il y a un après-midi où le curé du pays, Abbé Picot, est venu chez les baronnes. Il annonce qu'il y a un nouveau paroissien qu'il faut lui présenter, M. Julien le vicomte de Lamare de la famille de Lamare de l'Eure, le fils du vicomte Jean de Lamare qui est mort l'an dernier.
Le dimanche

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"Wuthering heights" is a story about love, hate, sorrow and death. It is narrated by, first Mr Lockwood, and Nelly Dean, the housekeeper.
At the beginning of the book, Mr Lockwood had just arrived at Thrushcross Grange as a tenant. He went to see Mr Heathcliff, the man who was renting him the house. When he arrives at Wuthering Heights

Download: 130Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 13 kb    Pag: 11    Data: 09.07.2001

"No human being can really understand another, and no one can arrange another's happiness."
Graham Greene was born in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, as the son of Charles Greene and Marion Raymond Greene. His father had a poor academic record but became the headmaster of Berkhamsted School, following Dr. Thomas Fry. Greene was educated at Be

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La monarchie orléaniste née par une révolution est très modérée et fondée sur l’appui de la grande et moyenne bourgeoise et de l’aristocratie. Le peuple est repoussé par le pouvoir. Louis Philippe d’Orléans prend comme drapeau le tricolore de 1789. De plus, la Charte, modifiée en façon libérale n’est pas concédée par le roi mais elle est conquis par le

Download: 76Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 20.11.2001

Der Tempelherr bedankt Saladin für sein Leben, das er anbiet. Saladin sagt, daß er wie sein Bruder ist und fragt wenn er bei ihr bliebt, und daß Religion nicht wichtig ist. Der Tempelherr nihmt es an.
Der Sultan gratuliert dem Ritter für seine Tat, der seinen wachen Traume erzählt. Zuerst wollte der Junge das Mädchen noch einmal nicht zu sehen,