The German media



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The German media


Germany is placed 4° in the list of the most reading country, after Japan, Great Britain and Switzerland. In Germany there is about 400 daily papers and the most (venduto) is “BILDEZEITUNG” that has big photos and sensationals stories.
There are also some local and regional newspapers as “FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG” and “DIE WELT” from Berlin.
A lot of weekliestalk about culture, politic and economy as “DER SPIEGEL”,”FOCUS” and “STERN” that are in competition each other.
There are also specific newspapers like “SUPER TV” for television programm, “FUR SIE” and “BRIGITTE” for women.
Moreover there are a lot of specific newspapers about sports, computers and bricolage.


Until the 80’s there were only publics television, but now in Germanythere are also private televisions.
Publics are ARD and ZDF that are national and the “3rd PROGRAMM” that is regional.
The most important private TV are SAT1 and RTL where there are films, shows and serials, sometimes also soap opera.
A statistical examination has noticed that german hinabitantws whit more than 14 years old stay more than 3 hours a day to see TV programms.
