Robinson Crusoe



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Robinson Crusoe

1. Robinson Crusoe: his parents wanted he became a lawyer, but he wanted to travel. So a day he started a travel with a ship to London. But during the travel a terrible storm started. He was scored to die.

2. He was saved by a ship and went to Guinea, and here became rich. In another voyage, they was attacked by pirates and he became a Turk slave. He went a bay, stayed a lot of time in a land, and that was going to Brazil.

3. In Brazil he became a rich planter, but he wasn’t happy: he wanted to travel around the world. So when a group of planters said him to go to Guinea, he decided to go. But he followed instinct, not reason.

4. During the voyage, there was a terrible storm. They jumped in a boat, and only Robinson Crusoe could save: he went in a share, but he was still desperate: he didn’t have something to drink or eat and was alone. He found tree where he could sleep.

5. He was able to take everything from the ship before it sink. He found a cave, where he built his tent and were he saved all thinks. He was alone, but the faith in God gave him great strength.

6. He understood that the situation wasn’t so terrible. But the next day there was an earthquake. He thought that it happened because he didn’t have thought to God. He made a dream, were a men said him to die. After some days he discovered a beautiful garden, so he decided to built another tent there.

7. He decided to write a journal, just when he arrived in the island.

8. Day after day he was in the island for a year. Then some seed that he had planted, started to sprout. So he built an oven, pots and bowls, so he could prepare bread, cakes, and he saved some seeds for the next year.

9. He was alone in the island and often preyed God to give him another human being. But a day he saw a fire with human bones, and then nine savages: perhaps they were cannibals! He wasn’t safe now. A day he saw a ship in the sea, but all sailors were died.

10. One day he saw the savages while they were killing a man to eat him. He saved this man and called him Friday. They became friends. One day two other man arrived: one was Spaniard, and one was the Friday’s father. He felt like a king. Then, he discovered that he was in a Carrabean island.

11. One day a ship arrived there: the captain was prisoner of the sailors. He helped him to kill the leaders of the revolt, and so, after 28 years, 2 months and 19 days he could take a ship to return to England!

12. When he arrived, he saw that all his parents were died. He married and had three children, but when his wife died, he went to London, and decided to leave to China, Brazil, and to his old island. It was very changed, and now there English and Spaniard lived. In Brazil he saw that he was very very rich. But during the voyage Friday was hit by an arrow and died. He travelled a lot, and when he was old and tired come back to England. During his life he learnt to appreciate the importance of solitude, courage and peace1.
1 Ha colpito di questo libro il fatto che in tutte le situazioni più disperate Robinson Crusoe era aiutato dalla fortuna.



