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Download: 209Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 09.06.2005

Focus on the text: Jane Eyre
The novel is given an autobiographical feel through use of the first-person narrator that allows the reader to see things from Jane's point of view. Her way of describing the events in her life is very much mediated by her feelings and emotional responses. When the novel first came out it was a shock for some reader

Download: 119Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 20.03.2007

Dear Sir/ Dear Madame
If you are writing to a firm or a company use:
Dear Sirs/ Gentlemen: (is used in the u.s.a. followed by a colon)
When the contents of the letter is not intended for a specific person or firm use:
To whom it may concern.
The body of the letter contains the message to be communicated and is of great importance.

Download: 504Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 3    Data: 26.09.2005

Romeo arrives at the party in costume and falls in love with Juliet at first sight. However, he is recognized by Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, who wants to kill him on the spot. Capulet intervenes and tells Tybalt that he will not disturb the party for any amount of money. Romeo approaches Juliet and tells her that he loves her. Then, they kiss. Juliet's Nu

Download: 254Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 29.05.2007

Returned to Ireland, Swift became Anglican priest. In London he made friends with Pope and other writers, and started writing for the Tory administration.
In 1713 he was made Dean in Dublin, where he remained for the next thirty years.
Than he began to write pamphlets denouncing the injustices that Ireland suffered.
Since then, he was consid

Download: 96Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 09.11.2006

Today one in five teens is overweight, putting them at increased risk for heart disease. Sedentary life style is a big part of the problems. Enrolment in high school physical education classes dropped from 42% in 1991 to 25% in 1995. Many teens after school are watching TV or surfing the internet.

The teenagers get at last 9 hours of

Download: 1918Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 8 kb    Pag: 4    Data: 18.07.2005

During Shakespeare’s time, it was possibile to copy the works of other writers without legal consequences for the absence of copyright. Even Shakespeare borrowed the plots of his works from different kinds of sources. In spite of that the original material was transformed with his poetry, assuming new values and meanings.
Since Shakespeare

Download: 222Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 1    Data: 28.06.2005

They spend their time waiting a certain Godot (this name could suggest God) who never arrives as the critic Martin Erslin wrote: the subject of the play is not Godot but waiting, because the act of waiting represents an essential aspect of human condition in fact in our life we always wait for something (Godot is the symbol of our waiting), an event, a

Download: 350Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 4 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 03.04.2006

Meanwhile Count Paris is telling for the Juliet’s hand, and her father tell him who he will know Juliet during the feast what he usually does in this time of year. Old Capulet tell servants who they want give the invite at the guest. However, the servant can’t read and, when they are out, call Romeo if he can read it for them and he read but he find the

Download: 97Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 5 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 12.02.2007

In the end of 18th century there were two important events: the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution in England. The French Revolution was hailed by many intellectuals as the overthrow of tyranny and the beginning of a new era. “Liberty, equality and fraternity” was the motto of French Revolution. The French philosopher Rousseau set his theor

Download: 123Cat: Inglese    Materie: Riassunto    Dim: 6 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 03.04.2007

The Chronicles of Narnia were first written by C.S. Lewis with children in mind. Easy dialogue and a sense of reality in the fantasy setting allows all ages to enjoy and fall in love with these books.
The adventure begins with The Magician’s Nephew. The reader is introduced to Digory Kirke and Polly Plumer. Digory’s Uncle Andrew, a mad magician, do