Letteratura Inglese

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WILLIAM BLAKE (1757/1827)
He published 2 famous collections of poems: “songs of innocence” and “songs of experience”. The poet’s dual vision of life is expressed in his poems by the inner state of innocence based on feeling like love and generosity and the state of experience revealing selfishness and exploitation of human beings. These opposite sites coexist in human beings.
Ha pubblicato due famose collezioni di poesie: “songs of innocence” and “songs of experience”. La visione dualistica della vita è espressa nelle sue opere dallo stato interiore dell’innocenza basato sui sentimenti quali l’amore e la generosità e lo stato dell’esperienza che rivela egoismo e sfruttamento di un altro essere umano. Questi opposti coesistono nell’animo umano.
In 1886 he produced a story whose main character was a private detective who archived good results through the application of an analytical mind. This Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were born in a “study of scarlet” (1887).
Later followed “the sign of four” (1892), “memories of Sherlock Holmes” (1894) and other long stories. These work’s met with immediate success.
He also took part in some famous judicial cases. Sherlock Holmes is introduced in a “story of scarlet” as a calm detached ironical man who gets up early, flays the violin, smokes the pipe, and sometimes takes drugs.
When he’s investigating, he became tense, energetic, alert. He’s very fond of is profession, which he does not for money but as on art. His method of investigation is based on his exceptional power of deduction: he investigates to find confirmation to his assumption. Finally he organizes on experiment which is always successful and leads to the solution of the case.
Nel 1886 produsse una storia il cui principale personaggio era un detective privato che raggiungeva buoni risultati attraverso l’applicazione di una mente analitica. Cosi Sherlock Holmes e Dr. Watson nacquero in “ a study of scarlet” poi seguirono “sign of four”, “memories of Sherlock Holmes” e altre storie lunghe.
Queste opera incontrarono immediate successo egli prese parte a numerosi casi giudiziari.
Sherlock Holmes viene presentato in “a study of scarlet” come un uomo calmo, distaccato, ironico che si sveglia presto, suona il violino, fuma la pipa e alcune volte assume droghe. Quando sta investigando diventa teso, energico e acuto. Ama molto la sua professione che non fa per soldi, ma come in arte, il suo metodo di investigare è basato sul suo eccezionale potere di dedizione egli raccoglie informazioni e fa la sua prima ipotesi poi investiga per trovare conferma alla sua teoria. Alla fine egli organizza un esperimento che ha sempre successo e conduce alla soluzione il caso.
OSCAR WILDE (1854/1900)
He attended trinity college then he went to oxford where he distinguished him self for his eccentricity.
After graduating he settled in London where he soon became a fashionable figure of Dandy for his wht and his foppish way of dressing. In 1881 he edited at his own expenses “poems” and in the some year he began his graduation in the USA.
On his coming back to Europe in 1883 he married Constance but he soon became tired of his marriage. In the late 1880’s Whild’s library talent was revealed by a series of short stories: “the conterville ghost”,” the happy prince”,” the model millionaire”.
In 1891 he wrote his only novel: “the picture of Dorian Gray”. Then he produced a series of plays which were successful on stage: “lady windermere’s fan”, “a woman of no importance”, “the importance of being earnest”, “solone”.
However bath the novel and drama damaged the writer’s reputation since they were considered immoral.
In 1891 he met a beautiful young boy with whom he had on homosexual affair for this he was sent to prison and While in jail he wrote “De Profundis” a long letter to young boy. When he was released he was a broken man. The went to exile in France where he wrote “the ballad of the reading goal”, the story of a men who was executed in the prison of reading goal. He died a poor man in Paris in 1900.
Frequentò il Trinity college poi andò ad Oxford dove si distinse per la sua eccentricità, dopo essersi laureto si stabili a Londra dove diventò una figura alla moda di Dandy per il suo ingenio e il suo modo stravagante di vestirsi. Nel 1881 pubblicò a sue spese “poems” e nello stesso anno iniziò un grande tour negli USA.
Di ritorno in Europa nel 1883 sposò Costanza ma presto si stancò di questo matrimonio. Nei tardi anni 80 dell’800 il talento letterario di While fu rivelato da una serie di novelle 2il fantasma di Conterville”, “il principe felice”, “il milionario modello”.
Nel 1891 scrisse il suo unico romanzo “il ritratto di Dorian Gray” poi produsse una serie di opere per il teatro che ebbero successo sul palcoscenico: “lady windermere’s fan”, “a woman of no importance”, “the importance of being earnest”, “solone”.
Tuttavia sia il suo romanzo che la rappresentazione teatrale danneggiava la reputazione dello scrittore dato che erano considerate immorali.
Nel 1891 incontrò un bellissimo ragazzo con cui ebbe una relazione omosessuale. Per questo fu mandato in prigione e mentre era in prigione scrisse “De Profundis”, che è una lunga lettera al giovane ragazzo. Quando fu rilasciato era un uomo distrutto, andò in esilio in Francia dove scrisse “la ballata di Reading goal”, la storia di un uomo che fu giustiziato nella prigione di reading goal. Morì povero a Parigi nel 1900.
The Wilde Dandy is an aristocrat whose elegance is the symbol of the superiority of his spirit. Wilde teak on the figure of the dandy because it embodied much of what his wished to express. Since life was meant for pleasure, and pleasure was an indulgence in the beautiful, beautiful clothes, beautiful talks, delicious food and handsome boys were Wilde’s main interests.
Il Dandy di Wilde è un aristocratico la cui eleganza è il simbolo della superiorità del suo spirito. Wilde prese la figura del Dandy perché incarnava molto di ciò che egli voleva esprimere. Dato che la vita era intensa come piacere e il piacere era un’indulgenza della bellezza, i bei abiti, le belle conversazioni, il buon cibo e i bei ragazzi erano interessi principali di Wilde.

In 1809 he began a Mediterranean tour, visiting Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey he brought back from his tour the first 2 cantos of “Child Harold Pilgrimage”.
Byron became the incarnation of the romantic hero, solitary, melancholic, tormented by the shadow of the post, a Dandy, a rebel.
In Byron’s last poems, the image of the romantic hero changed “the vision of Sudjement” and “ Don Jouan” are ironic and satiric. Don Jouan is the opposite of child Harold he’s a failed hero. Don Jouan, the seducer, becomes the seduced. Irony reveals reality behind illusion.
Nel 1809 ha fatto un tour nel mediterraneo, ha visitato la Spagna, il Portogallo, la Grecia e la Turchia. Portò indietro i primi 2 canti di “ Child Harold Pilgrimage”.
Byron diventò l’incarnazione dell’eroe romantico, solitario, malinconico, tormentato dalle ombre del posto, un Dandy, un ribelle.
Negli ultimi poemi di Byron l’immagine dell’eroe romantico cambiò. “the vision of Sudgement” e “Don Jouan” sono ironici e satirici. Don Jouan è l’opposto di “child herold” egli è un eroe fallito. Don Jouan il seduttore, diviene sedotto. L’ ironia mostra la realtà rispetto all’illusione.
He had an un happy childhood, since has father went to prison on the had to work in a factory at the age of 12. these day of sufferings inspired much of the content of his novels, he began to contribute various papers and magazines. Dickens’ satirical and humoristic vein began to shown in “the pick papers”, popular acclaim continued with his autobiographical novels: ”Oliver Twist”, “David Copperfield”, “Little Dorrit”. All their protagonists became the symbol of exploited childhood confronted with the bitter reality of slums and factories. Dickens also wrote a novel about the French revolution “Tale of 2 cites” and a travel book: “American notes” after visiting USA.
After works include “Hard Times” and “Great Expectation”, dealing with social issues such as the conditions of the poor. He died in 1870 and he was buried in the poets’ corner in Westminster abbey in London.

Ha avuto un’ infanzia molto difficile, da quando suo padre andò in prigione dovette lavorare in una fabbrica dall’età di 12 anni. Questi giorni ispirarono molti dei contenuti delle sue opere, egli contribuì con vari giornali. La vena satirica e umoristica di Dickens venne mostrata in “ the pick papers”, il consenso popolare continuò con i suoi romanzi autobiografici: “Oliver Twist”, “David Copprefield”, “Little Dorrit”. Tutti questi protagonisti diventano un simbolo della giovinezza sfruttata confrontata con l’amara realtà delle baraccopoli e delle industrie.
Dickens inoltre scrisse una novella sulla rivoluzione francese “tale of 2 cites” e libro “American notes” dopo aver visitato l’America.
Altri lavori includono: “Hard Times” e “Great expectations” con questioni sociali sulle condizione dei poveri. Morì nel 1870 e fu seppellito nell’angolo dei poeti nella cattedrale di Westminster i Londra.
Dickens gradually developed a more radical view of the social scene, although he did not became a revolutionary thinker, he was aware of the spiritual and material corruption of the present day reality. Dickens succeeded in drawing people’s attention to public abuses and evils and wrongs Dickens was always on the side of the poor, the out cost and the working class.
He described several children, good children appeared to worthless parents making children the moral teachers of the adults.
Dickens created caricatures, trying to attract interest by describing the characters habits and language of the middle and lower often the very lowest classes in modern London.
Oliver Twist is his masterpiece. Oliver is a boy of unknown parents, he is brought up in a workhouse in inhuman conditions. Then he falls in the hands of sick packets who try to make a thief out of him. An old gentlemen takes care of him but the boy is kidnapped. At lost it is discovered that Oliver is the son of a noble family.
Stevenson was born in Edinburgh in 1850. As his health was poor he had to spend most of his childhood in bed. Then he travailed a lot in search of a better climate. He graduated in law in 1875n but he decided to devote himself to writing. He married an American woman since Stevenson’s health was getting worse. They moved to Australia and Thaiti and settled in Samoa. He died in 1894 Stevenson’s main literary output consists of novels, short stories, essays and poetry. He wrote “note on realism” where he stated his enthusiasm for the tradition of romance.
He become popular in the 1880 with “ treasure island” and “Dr. Jakyll and Mr.Hyde”, “kidnapped” and “Catriona”.
His short stories pervaded by sense of suspense and supernatural were collected as “new Arabian nights”.
Nacque a Edimburgo nel 1850,. Dato che la sua salute era cagionevole egli trascorse la maggior parte della sua infanzia a letto. Egli viaggiò molto alla ricerca di un clima migliore, si laureò in legge nel 1875 ma egli decise di dedicarsi alla scrittura. Sposò una donna americana. Dato che la salute di Stevenson stava peggiorando si trasferirono in Australia e si stabilirono nell’isola di Samoa. Morì nel 1894. La principale produzione letterale di Stevenson consiste in romanzi, storie brevi, trattati e poesie. Scrisse “note on realism” dove affermò il suo entusiasmo per la tradizione romanzesca.
Diventò popolare negli anni 80 dell’800 con “l’isola del tesoro” e “ lo strano caso di Dr. Jekyll e Mr. Hyde”, “rapito” e “catriona”.
Le sue storie brevi pervase dal senso di suspance e soprannaturale furono raccolte come “new arabian nights”.



  1. lucia maffeo

    la versione in italiano de " la morte" di Joyce

  2. vico

    Riassunto per capitoli 'Three men in a boat'