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Download: 109Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 10 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 13.06.2000

1867: Thérèse Raquin
1868: Madeleine Férat
Il s'initie à la psycologie et à la chemie et il s'intéresse aux recherches scientifiques de son epoque:
- théories sur l'hérédité du docteur Lucas
- médicine expérimentale de C.Bernard les comportements humains sont déterminés par
- idées de Darwin sur la sélection naturelle l'hérédité et

Download: 95Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 13 kb    Pag: 5    Data: 30.06.2000

These “types” are positioned in a sort of closed circle corresponding to the orbit of the Moon.
Yeats seens history as formed by a series of opposite cycles, each cycle lasting about 2000 years. Each age is the opposite of the previous one: an age of rule and authority will be followed by an age of anarchy and violence. Each cycle has a circu

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This division led to social injustices, and the conditions of the working class was very bad, despite to some reforms passed by the government.
But all the classes were united by a common sense of patriotism and national consciousness, which played a big role in the First World War.
The response of England in the First World War was at first pro

Download: 107Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 6 kb    Pag: 4    Data: 16.01.2002

Love and passion
The love between Heathcliff and Catherine is the principal theme in the novel and the whole story revolves around the passion that Catherine and Heathcliff feel for each other.
Their love is true but tormented and never realised during their lives. They will be reunited only after the death, as written at the summary

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Man, fused perfectly (as parts of one mighty mind) with nature, trough its beauty’s quiet contemplation, could rediscover the image of god and of his own inner life; in conclusion, man can learn virtue and wisdom only from the comforter friend of nature, so that the mission of the poet is to open men’s minds to the inner reality of nature and to the cal

Download: 120Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 3 kb    Pag: 2    Data: 02.10.2001

Many of the Romantic poets expressed sympathy with the French Revolution and were sensitive to the sufferings of the poor and the oppressed. They put in evidence the individual’s identity, emotions and experience. Nature and his aspects filled poets with pleasure, and so they slowly criticize the direction of industrial society (dismay in front of lack

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Lyrical Ballads is Wordsworth's most important work. It's a collection of poems written by the poet himself. The preface of the second edition is very famous and important since it explains the main ideas of the Romantic poetry:
-the poems describe "incidents and situation from common life"; the poet preferred low and rustic life as it is closer to

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I’ve done many séance , but I would not define it magical rites. I believe in the eternal life of our souls, so there is nothing of magic for me in the communication with people who are died: I don’t think that all the things that we can explain have to be called magic.
There some action that we do without believing in it, for example: who, watching

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From 1917 to 1922 he filled several important positions, including minister of munitions and secretary for war.
From 1924 to 1929 he was chancellor of the Exchequer. As such he returned Britain to the gold standard and condemned the trade unions during the general strike of 1926.
Churchill succeeded Neville Chamberlain as prime minister in 1940.

Download: 587Cat: Lingue    Materie: Appunti    Dim: 32 kb    Pag: 10    Data: 07.01.2002

Tintern Abbey, located in the valley of the river Wye, in Wales, was founded by Cistercian monks in 1131 and destroyed at the beginning of 1500. Wordsworth visited its ruins when he was 23, and returned there 5 years later.
Summary and commentary in relation to the key idea. Written in blank verse, the poem is Wordsworth’s first major expl